20 religion survey questions to ask your church community

Churches and clergy can develop a deeper understanding of their communities by asking them the right questions. Surveys enable churches to poll a large number of people in an efficient way. While personally speaking with parishioners about their needs and ideas is also valuable, church leaders can find it difficult to connect with hundreds or thousands of people at a time. Online religion surveys that ask parishioners about their experience with the church and gather community feedback give church leaders an effective way to gather important information that can help them make better decisions for the church. Some people may find religion survey questions difficult to answer, so it’s important to offer a way for parishioners to opt out of the survey or opt out of particular questions if they so choose. When you send the survey, be transparent about its purpose (for example, to gather feedback to develop new programs at the church). When people know why you’re asking them personal questions, they’re more likely to respond than if you don’t give them enough information.

Examples of religion survey questions

Religion survey questions about attendance logistics

Religion survey questions about programming

In addition to sermons, many churches offer educational classes on different subjects for a variety of age groups, as well as social events where community members can gather and connect. Learning about the program preferences of their communities can help churches increase attendance. Here are some example programming questions to consider:

Religion survey questions about faith

No two individuals practice their faith in the exact same way. Church leaders who understand how their community practices their faith can help pastors better prepare sermons or programs to guide people along their spiritual journeys. Here are example questions about faith:

Religion survey questions about donations

Many churches rely on donations to operate. Understanding the reasons people donate and whether they have any challenges with donating can help churches optimize their donor programs. Here are some example questions about donations to consider for your survey:

Jotform: A powerful tool for religion surveys

Ready to learn more about your community so you can make informed decisions about church management and operations? Jotform can help. With Jotform, you can create online surveys to gather feedback on logistics, programming, faith, donations, and other areas. Each survey is fully customizable, from the content to the layout and visuals, so you can ensure your church is gathering data that best supports its parishioners.