Volunteering at the Johnson County Christmas Bureau Shopping Store

In December, our community service project is volunteering at the Johnson County Christmas Bureau Shopping Store. The Johnson County Christmas Bureau helps nearly 12,000 low-income (

We will help in a number of ways: assisting shoppers, staffing tables, loading vehicles, etc. It is a great opportunity to help those less fortunate in Johnson County and celebrate the season.

The Christmas Bureau has a similar set-up to the Back to School Store but on a much larger scale, with not only clothing and holiday gifts but food, as well. We are fortunate to have signed up for three time slots on December 8: 12:00-4:00, 3:30-6:00, and 6:00-9:00. Please sign up for a shift that will work for you on this SignUp Genius.

In addition, there is a separate opportunity to adopt a family at Jewish Family Services. Here is the link to the Hanukkah project with JFS. If you have any questions, contact Susan Kivett at kivetts@gmail.com or 913-219-0823.

A faith in the future. A belief in action.

5311 W. 75th St.
Prairie Village, Kansas 66208

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