In December, our community service project is volunteering at the Johnson County Christmas Bureau Shopping Store. The Johnson County Christmas Bureau helps nearly 12,000 low-income (
We will help in a number of ways: assisting shoppers, staffing tables, loading vehicles, etc. It is a great opportunity to help those less fortunate in Johnson County and celebrate the season.
The Christmas Bureau has a similar set-up to the Back to School Store but on a much larger scale, with not only clothing and holiday gifts but food, as well. We are fortunate to have signed up for three time slots on December 8: 12:00-4:00, 3:30-6:00, and 6:00-9:00. Please sign up for a shift that will work for you on this SignUp Genius.
In addition, there is a separate opportunity to adopt a family at Jewish Family Services. Here is the link to the Hanukkah project with JFS. If you have any questions, contact Susan Kivett at or 913-219-0823.
5311 W. 75th St.
Prairie Village, Kansas 66208
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