Data Breach Response Planning Guide

T he same things that make you valuable to your client as a managed service provider make you a target for a security breach. Your expertise in storing, accessing and maintaining sensitive information draws the attention of cybercriminals. Your connections to multiple platforms, vendors and clients are enticing for bad actors looking for one-stop shops for their own black market supplies: credit card information, social security numbers, personal information, internal contacts and other sensitive information.

Unfortunately, far too many managed service providers have found themselves to be not only enticing victims, but also fruitful targets. Be it a lack of preparedness, human error or technical insufficiencies, information technology companies have struggled to meet the data security challenges we now face. CompTIA’s IT Security Community has created this tool to help guide you as you prepare a data breach response plan. The tips you’ll find here range from the big picture (preplanning and testing) to the details (keeping related notes of an incident separate from day-to-day business), but are all designed to take fear of the unknown out of the equation. Even if you already have robust data security policies and a clearly defined data breach response plan, you may find a new idea or recommendation to further improve your posture. By sharing this planning guide with team members, you reinforce the idea that data security is not a passive, one-and-done activity. It’s every day. It’s a mindset. It must become embedded into your culture.

Luckily, there are some proven methods of training, planning and activating the proper support teams that will help you prevent what you can and respond appropriately to limit the impact of a security breach. This guide follows the structure of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and highlights where in the CSF you can find more information. Please note that the NIST CSF is a framework, not a standard. The recommendations and concepts within the framework can be applied globally to any compliance standard or alternate security framework with which you may already be familiar. Of course, your plan should cover more than is shared here. Use this planning guide to get you started, highlight areas you may have missed and help you through them.

Download the Data Breach Response Planning Guide for additional tips, resources and more.

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Data Breach Response: Preplanning

NIST CSF Identify & Protect Pillars

Defining your approach to data security is best accomplished at a time when you are not in an emergency or immediately following an incident. The IT Security Community strongly recommends building your data breach response plan in accordance with applicable regulatory compliance governing your location, industry or services. When building (or improving) your data breach response plan, start by identifying plausible incidents and considering how you would manage those scenarios that could happen based on the data you store, transmit and process.

  1. Consider plausible scenarios. Avoid creating lengthy or complicated scenarios. Identify simple scenarios and define clear guidance for response.
  2. Identify your incident response team (IRT). This internal team should cover all aspects of your business, including network engineers, techs, HR, legal, and PR and marketing staff.
  3. As part of the plan, conduct regular backups at the identified risk tolerance level and be sure to test them. Hackers have been known to turn these automated processes off.
  4. External support is critical to managing an incident. Your insurance carrier and legal counsel will be among your best allies, as long as you have taken the time to clearly define coverage, liabilities and the role of counsel.
  5. Identify emergency contacts.
  6. Be aware of compliance notification laws.

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The Incident: Detection and Protection

NIST CSF Detect & Protect Pillars

In most cases, an incident starts at the technical level when something is flagged as unusual. It could be at your network operations center (NOC) or your security operations center (SOC), or even at your frontline tech level. That abnormality gets raised to the next-level manager who will decide whether or not to activate the IRT. This manager should have the experience to determine that the incident is a breach and the authority to activate the IRT. Once that happens, it’s no longer a technical issue, it’s now a business issue. Keep in mind, not every incident is a probable breach, but you must be able to demonstrate how you made that determination. You cannot activate the IRT for every incident.

Data Breach Response Flowchart

Your IRT is now engaged.

  1. Clamp down communications and immediately. Inadvertent admissions of fault can lead to unforeseen legal ramifications.
  2. Follow the plan in place for that specific incident/scenario. If you’ve taken the time to identify and practice scenarios, you can activate your plan.
  3. Bring together the core IRT members to gather intelligence. It’s OK for members to drop off if they don’t need to be involved after initial intelligence gathering.
  4. Learn where the fault lies early on.

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The Response: Communication and Recover

NIST CSF Respond & Recover Pillars

The big question facing a business now is: When do you start communicating outside the IRT? Generally, you’ll want to follow the plan for the scenario with compliance regulations playing a big role. Get legal advice to help you before you say something that may be costly. Use these guidelines to start communicating and recovering.

  1. Save all internal communications.
  2. Engage your insurance carrier.
  3. Plan your external communications strategy.

With honest forethought, clear scenarios, solid security design, and continual training and practice, managing the inevitable breach of sensitive data is possible. The IT Security Community strongly encourages every technology business to develop, maintain and execute its own strong data breach response plan to help combat cyberattacks.

Download the Data Breach Response Planning Guide for additional tips, resources and more.

Read more about Cybersecurity.