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When my sister and her husband decided to work abroad to provide for their family, they left their son and many of their affairs in my care. But before that, they made sure that the paperwork was done neatly. Because they planned on having their underage son visit them, one of the documents they left is an Affidavit of Consent and Support.


An Affidavit of Consent and Support is a document that proves and declares that the affiants, the parents in this case, are giving someone else consent to do something and guaranteeing (financial) support to carry out the action. Having this document allows me to travel with and make travel arrangements for my nephew (their son), including application for passport, visa, and DSWD travel clearance.

In the first few times that I applied for a DSWD Travel Clearance, I was never asked for this document. The staff would just look for a simple signed letter from the parents, no notarization needed. But it seems that this affidavit is already listed as a requirement. Many of those planning to apply for a DSWD travel clearance are confused about this document, so we decided to create a separate post about it. The top questions are: Where do we get this affidavit? What does it look like?

Well, here it is. Here’s a sample Affidavit of Consent and Support. You can also download a Microsoft Word (DOC) version below. Feel free to replace the highlighted text with your own information.

Download DOC File

What to Do After

REMINDER. The Affidavit of Consent and Support is an important and powerful document and concerns your children and who get to travel with them. Please take this document seriously. Consult a lawyer if you can. For parents, please only grant travel consent to people you trust.

For more info about how to secure a DSWD Travel Clearance, read: DSWD Clearance

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Yosh Dimen is a full-time travel blogger. He has three passions in life: social media, travel, and movies. Yosh has won 3 Philippine Blog Awards and a Palanca Award. Learn more about his personal journeys at

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