Charter school applications are due to the sponsor (school district). We recommend contacting the school district for specific application requirements.
In addition, section 1002.33(6), F.S., requires charter school applicants to submit an application on a model application form developed by the Department. The sponsor must then review the application using the evaluation instrument also developed by the Department. If approved, the sponsor will present a contract for negotiation using the model contract format.
Section 1002.33(6)(c), F.S., provides that a charter school applicant may appeal any denial of that applicant's application or failure to act on an application to the State Board of Education no later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the sponsor's decision or failure to act and shall notify the sponsor of its appeal. For more information, please visit our Charter School Appeal page.
Section 1002.33(6)(f)2., F.S., requires a charter school applicant to participate in the training provided by the Department of Education after approval of an application but at least 30 calendar days before the first day of classes at the charter school. The training must include instruction in accurate financial planning and good business practices. If the applicant is a management company or a nonprofit organization, the charter school principal and the chief financial officer or his or her equivalent must also participate in the training. A sponsor may not require a high-performing charter school or high-performing charter school system applicant to participate in the training described in this subparagraph more than once.
Please contact if you have any questions.